Shams Academy
Shams Academy Podcast is a Persian podcast that talks about consciousness and mystical life. Ali Iranmanesh founded this podcast in Winter 2020 from the lovely city “Budapest”. Season 1 is about Discourse of Shams Tabrizi. You can find perusals and interpretations about that. The episodes cover about one fourth of this valuable book.
Second season provides ideas about mystical and spiritual life, based on lessons from Sham Tabrizi. “Self-Knowledge and life style”, “Social issues” and “Divine aspects of life” are three dimensions of this chapter. Third season is focused on the meaning of life, while the season four presents an extract of the meaning of selected quatrains of Divan Shams. And now, the fifth season of Shams Academy explores personal development from a new perspective: a story to get closer to ego!
One idea that Ali Iranmanesh follows here is that, the audience of Shams should be a smart one! Shams has been a smart man, that’s why he has been able to change the life of Molana (Rumi)! Many of Sufis had been men of silence or speech, but he says nothing in case of silence and talks just when he finds someone ready to hear him. Secrets that are hidden in his words are not really covered by something strange. They are so obvious and simply clear that a hard worker audience supposes that those words do not contain any magical concept. That is true, in most cases words of Shams are so simple ones, like some meditation phrases. But when he meets wisdom and mystic people, finding his tenor is too rigorous.
Obviously, this podcast tries to convey words of Shams Tabrizi via a modern simple way to more people that they may not necessarily mystic ones, but they are actually eager to know themselves better, and improve their condition in finding meaning of life. Ali Iranmanesh believes that you are the best teacher to you. You may just need some masters to tell golden keywords, as you need.